Gostaresh Tarahan Naghsh Almas Knowledge-based company (iNoti), directed by Ali
Maarefi, was established in 1390 in the field of marketing and direct sales with the purpose of
providing software solutions for improvement of businesses.
Currently, GTNA Co. has set foot on the path of virtual education in cooperation with Inter-Islamic
Network on Virtual Universities.
The courses are thus far designed as an attempt to further introduce iNoti services and products.
Those who take the course, by the end date, will understand iNoti products and services more
completely and even implement them for their own businesses.
Furthermore, courses have been designed for current marketers to detect the needs of the market and
offer the best solutions from iNoti services. These marketers can benefit from numerous items that
the course offers, which shall not be mentioned in this article.
Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) is the committee under
supervision of the government to observe cooperation of countries of COMSTECH.
COMSTECH seeks to take limits of newly emerging fields of science further by implementing OIC
measures and decisions, thus paving the road for determination and presentation of proposals of
progress in Islamic Countries.
Islamic Republic of Iran is in charge of CINVU, which is a strong network database to enhance the
quality of higher education for the world of Islam. Dispensing justice in access to knowledge,
expansion of inter relations between the universities of the Islamic world and strengthening the
bonds between the members of OIC have been taken into consideration when setting CINVU road map.
CINVU has also paved the road for automation of student transfer between universities. The network
aims to promote and further develop higher education in the world of Islam and so students,
professors and universities can present their content on this platform in different fields of
science. The platform has been made in a way that provides access to information for everyone in the
It is worth noting that the network includes 57 countries of 4 different
continents. The following list includes the complete list of the countries.